Santa at Wrestling

I took Colter (my 5 year old) to his first wrestling match. I spent a good part of my formative years memorizing Macho Man and the Hulksters Mega Power backstage interviews and renting WWF Pay-per-views on VHS. It was definitely one of my better fatherin moves but I made the mistake of introducing him to the bad guy (Josephus) before the show (forgetting that he was a heel). I even bought my boy a shirt with the bad guys face on it. Colter kept saying "when is our friend gonna wrestle." And then Santa Claus made a guest appearance promising gifts for all the kids. Next some metal intro music comes on and out come Colt's "friend" the bad guy! He pushes Santa around, steals the mic, and says Christmas is cancelled this year. In that moment I had to decide which to ruin for Colt, Christmas or Wrestling. Then out comes Jeff Jarret and challenges the bad guy Josephus to a match saying that if he wins "every kid in the place gets a present from Santa." So our friend the bad guy tries to cancel Christmas in a wrestling match and Santa agreed on those terms. The bad guys starts cheating and using a chain. Santa took care of business and saved Christmas. Got a picture of the moment from our seats. Really fun stuff. Colter said he was glad Jeff Jarret beat his friend but he still likes his shirt and will "cheer for his friend Josephus next time."