A new album. Not really new in that I made it 3 years ago but I’m ready to share with whoever cares to listen. The story of this album started when the band I toured with for 10 years quit being a band. I thought music was over for me. The rest of my bandmates quickly found places to go and start new lives. My guitarist brother became a scientist. I was just depressed and weird. I made up a fake band and went to China for a few weeks. I started over right there in the smog. I rebooted my life. I wrote most of this album in a hotel room in Shanghai. Then I started making music videos and animations and got so busy I just put the album on ice. But I have been keeping it to myself for too long. It’s really personal and that is what has scared me about releasing it. This album means a lot to me since it brought me back to life. That is what creating art can do for someone.
pre-order the album here.